Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Power of Praying

A couple of years ago, I bought the book The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian.  I read through the book, praying each prayer at the end.  I underlined a lot of stuff, like I do.  It went on the shelf for the next several months.  Probably six months or so ago, I got it back out and thought I'd read it again.  

I didn't.

What I did do, has really worked for me.  Instead of rereading the whole book, I scanned over the underlined portions throughout each chapter and then prayed through the prayers at the end of each chapter.  I began doing one chapter/prayer each night and dating it.  I just completed the 5th time through.  I decided this time that I will make a list of the most important things from each section and craft my own specific prayer.  As I pray through each chapter this time around, I'll be jotting notes in a journal every night and when I'm done, I'll create my extra special personalized prayer to pray over my husband every night.

Knowing that I'm covering my husband in prayer means a lot to me.  What has really been incredible, is watching as, over time, some of these prayers are answered.  

We have been married for ten years, and while I would characterize them as wonderful years, I would definitely not lie to you and say that any one of them has been easy.  Though as time goes by, it does get easier, so hang on newlyweds.  I can tell you one thing for sure, some of the things I have desired to change about my husband for years, have come to pass even in the last few months.  Not because I've finally convinced him.  Not because I was right all along.  But because when I surrendered it to the Lord and allowed Him to work in my husbands heart, my husband came to some of my same conclusions.  The excellent thing about surrender is that when I let go of it, it lets go of me - whether or not things change.

If you are married and you haven't read the book, you should.  If you're not married, get The Power of a Praying Woman (or Man). Consider praying the prayers consistently, too.  It has really worked for me!

For more Works for Me Wednesday, visit We Are THAT Family.

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