Thursday, April 30, 2009

Compassion India Blogger Trip...

I've been following just about everything written by the India bloggers...

I'll tell you what, I have been changed by this trip, and I didn't even go.

I've been moved to get serious about my relationship with Linda, the precious girl we've been sponsoring for years from Tanzania.

I've been moved to sponsor more children.  I can't wait to get my info packet!

But this - if I can hold onto this? (Read the rest of the post by Melissa, daughter of Beth Moore, here.)

The Scriptures are too profound just to read in isolation of the real world. They must be read and lived.  To be interpreted correctly, they must be performed.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is too big, too cataclysmic, to be left on the page.  They should burst forth from our reality.

I don't even know what might happen.

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