I'm serious about reading my Bible. Even if it's only the Proverb of the day, which for me is the chapter of Proverbs that corresponds to the day of the month. I read the Proverb of the day, and usually one or more other chapters of the Bible. This really doesn't take very long. So, even when I don't have time to take a large junk of time in the late morning or early afternoon to essentially have a date with Jesus, to read and journal and talk to Him, I read my Bible at night, right before I go to bed. I'm a stickler for this, even if it's Midnight and I'm exhausted, I make time to get in the Word.
I used to feel guilty about only reserving my last moments of the day for the Lord. We know where guilt comes from, right? Not God. I say I used to feel guilty. I don't anymore.
When I would do my quiet times during the day, I would often go days without making the time for various reasons. When I would get back to it, I would go to read, say - Proverbs 13 and realize I hadn't read 11 or 12. (I find the Proverb a day system useful in so many ways!) Well, that was pretty convicting in itself, so I decided to get back to my nightly devotions. It works for me...
Around this same time, I started memorizing Psalm 139, something I've wanted to do and felt led to do for a long time, thanks to this challenge. I'm happy to report that I have memorized it and I could not be more excited. I never thought I would be able to do it. That's why I never bothered to even try. I would open it up, look at the 24 verses, and say - yeah.... maybe not.
Not this time. I didn't even follow Angie's timeline... It easily took me 2 or 3 times as long as she suggested. I got hung up on a few verses, and I spent more time some nights than I did others. BUT I DID IT! Finally. Quiz me if you see me. :)
So, every night, I crawl in bed. I grab my Bible, which I sleep with. Yes. In my bed. I'm weird like that. Before I open it, I recite the verse or verses that I'm currently memorizing. When I'm done, I check myself. Then I read the Proverb of the day. Then I read a chapter or more of whatever other books I'm currently reading. For example, I just finished James, and II Samuel. I usually ask the Lord if there is anything else He would have me read that night. Sometimes I sense He wants me to, sometimes I don't. If anything pops into my head when I ask, I read it. If it was me, who cares. I don't want to miss out on something if it was Him.
Scripture Memorization
While I was working on Psalm 139, I would just meditate on one verse at a time. I find it helpful to find a rhythm and sort of make a song of each verse, or section. Some do not lend themselves to it, and it slows me down. After doing my other reading, I would come back to Psalm 139, and get that "song" in my head and repeat it over and over and over until I fell asleep. It has really worked for me!
I'd love to hear your tips for Scripture Memorization. I'm very motivated now that I have accomplished a goal that I've had for so long.
For other helpful tips, visit Works for me Wednesday at Rocks in my Dryer.